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  • 24/7 Crisis Line:
    Anyone can experience a crisis. You are not alone.

    Help is just a call or text away - 24/7, 365 days a year - for youth, adults, or families.

    Call CenterPointe's  24/7 Crisis Line: 402.475.6695

    Dial 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

    Or Text START to 741741 to reach the National Crisis Textline

    Want to see someone face-to-face? Walk-in crisis counseling available:

    2202 S. 11th Street

    Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm

Get Involved

Melissa Ripley & Kate Michael

Melissa Ripley is an Investigator with 24 years of experience at the Lincoln Police Department.  She currently serves as the Homeless Outreach Coordinator for LPD.  Throughout her career, she has been a steadfast advocate for breaking the stigma surrounding mental health issues and homelessness.  Melissa's commitment to using her role as a police officer to amplify the voices of the vulnerable showcases her unwavering dedication to community welfare.  Her extensive experience and compassionate approach make her an asset in addressing the complex challenges of homelessness and mental health within the community. 

Kate is a Street Outreach Worker and Certified Peer Support Specialist. She can be found walking alongside and empowering folks in all walks of life, with a focus on working with those who are unsheltered. She fiercely strives towards change around education and advocacy for humanization, mental health and addressing stigmas faced. She stands by the belief that when community comes together, we can be a bridge of support in both navigating the system but to also address where it fails and work towards justice.