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  • 24/7 Crisis Line:
    Anyone can experience a crisis. You are not alone.

    Help is just a call or text away - 24/7, 365 days a year - for youth, adults, or families.

    Call CenterPointe's  24/7 Crisis Line: 402.475.6695

    Dial 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

    Or Text START to 741741 to reach the National Crisis Textline

    Want to see someone face-to-face? Walk-in crisis counseling available:

    2202 S. 11th Street

    Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm

Give to CenterPointe

Give at Work

CenterPointe is a proud member agency of Community Services Fund. Community Services Fund connects donors with causes they care about. As a member agency, you can designate a gift to CenterPointe through your workplace giving campaign!

Click here for more information about Community Services Fund.

Payroll deduction can be a simple way to make a more significant gift by making smaller gifts with each paycheck.

Click here for more information about how we use your payroll gifts.