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  • 24/7 Crisis Line:
    Anyone can experience a crisis. You are not alone.

    Help is just a call or text away - 24/7, 365 days a year - for youth, adults, or families.

    Call CenterPointe's  24/7 Crisis Line: 402.475.6695

    Dial 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

    Or Text START to 741741 to reach the National Crisis Textline

    Want to see someone face-to-face? Walk-in crisis counseling available:

    2202 S. 11th Street

    Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm

Give to CenterPointe

Legacy Giving

The Full Circle Society recognizes supporters who generously include CenterPointe in their estate plans. The simplest estate gift is including CenterPointe in your will. If you are considering any estate gift, we suggest you work with your attorney to discuss your particular situation. Below is the official language you may use to arrange a gift.

Residual Gift Language
A residual bequest comes to us after your estate expenses and specific bequests are paid.

Example: I give and devise to CenterPointe Inc., Tax ID 47-0550702, all (or state a percentage) or the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general support (or designated for its endowment).

Specific Gift Language
Naming CenterPinte as a beneficiary of a specific amount from your estate is easy.

Example: I give and devise to CenterPointe, Inc., Tax ID 47-0550702, the sum of $______ (or asset) to be used for its general support (or designated for its endowment).

Contingent Gift Language
CenterPointe can be named as a contingent beneficiary in your will or personal trust if one or more of your specific bequests cannot be fulfilled.

Example: If (insert name) is not living at the time of my demise, I give and devise to CenterPointe, Inc., Tax ID 47-0550702, the sum of $_____ (or all or a percentage of the residue in my estate) to be used for its general support (or designated for its endowment). 

Life Insurance as a Gift
You can also name CenterPointe as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy you already own. Gifts of life insurance are not part of the public record. There are three simple options. Primary beneficiary, Co-beneficiary or Contingent beneficiary. 

We encourage you to inform us if you choose to arrange an estate gift of any kind. If you prefer not to be recognized we would still appreciate the opportunity to ensure you are kept informed over the years. 

Bailey Wood, Director of Development and Communications
402.475.8717 x133 or

This information is not intended to replace any legal or financial information provided by a professional planner. Please consult with a professional for information specific to your situation.