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    Anyone can experience a crisis. You are not alone.

    Help is just a call or text away - 24/7, 365 days a year - for youth, adults, or families.

    Call CenterPointe's  24/7 Crisis Line: 402.475.6695

    Dial 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

    Or Text START to 741741 to reach the National Crisis Textline

    Want to see someone face-to-face? Walk-in crisis counseling available:

    2202 S. 11th Street

    Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm


Yoga for Every Body

March 18th 1:00-2:30pm

If you have a body, this yoga class is for you! The practice of yoga meets you and your body right where you're at today. Trust me, you are flexible enough. Yoga is an ancient, holistic practice that provides great benefits to us on our current daily path of health and wellness. Join us in learning a bit about the comprehensive, inclusive practice of yoga and how it benefits our well-being, and for some gentle movement, breath and meditation, created to welcome all people.

Lead by Kjerstin Egger, Lead Wellness Community Navigator at the Wellbeing Initiative, Inc, in Lincoln, NE. She is a Certified Peer Support Specialist, Nationally Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and Registered Yoga Teacher. 

Located at the CenterPointe Campus for Health and WellBeing at 2202 S. 11th St. Lincoln, NE 68502

This class is in collaboration with Wellbeing Initiative. Bring a yoga mat if you have one.